Passage of Time
From the world's rose - garden one rose of cheek is for us enough
From this sward , the shade of that moving cypress the true Beloved is for us enough . *** I and the fellow - companionship of people of hypocrisy from us be far
Of the weighty things of the world , the weighty ritl is for us enough . *** In return for good deeds , the palace of paradise , they give
We , who are profligate and indigent , the cloister of the Magians the stage of divine knowledge and of love is for us enough . *** On the marge of the passing stream , sit and the passing of life , behold
For this example of the passing world is for us enough . *** The cash of the world's market , and the world's pain , behold
If this profit is not for you enough this loss , for us enough . *** With us , is the true Beloved . That more we should desire , what need
The fortune of the society of that dear Friend of the soul , for us enough . *** For God's sake , from Thy door , send me not to paradise
For of existence and abode , the head of Thy street , for us enough . *** In the head , not a desire is ours save union with Thee
This traffic of the goods of two worlds , for us enough . ' *** Hafiz void of justice , is the complaint of the watering place of fate the world
The nature pure like water , and the moving gljazals eloquent and sweet are for us enough.
Art style
Acrylic painting
Art Medium
Artwork size and orientation
Artwork dimension
60 x 60 x 2
Price Range
$101 - $1000
Artwork price